About the Leadership Programme
The underrepresentation of people of colour at corporate leadership level in most companies and organisations is well documented, static with no progress and increasing disproportion. The AFBE leadership programme is designed to help address this issue, by providing experienced professionals from BME backgrounds with the awareness and tools they need to progress to leadership positions in their career, organisations or as entrepreneurs.
"AFBE-UK's programme will not only inspire a new generation of industry leaders in Aberdeen but will also help break down barriers in the field of engineering and encourage more inclusivity in the sector."
~Councilor Angela Taylor,
Aberdeen City Council Education
Who is AFBE?
The Association for Black and Minority Ethnic Engineers is a registered not-for-profit organisation that was established in 2007 with the Scottish arm setup in 2011 to promote higher achievement in education and engineering particularly among black and other ethnic minorities. It is in this regard that amongst our many development initiatives targeting STEM attraction and retention we have developed the leadership programme, a uniquely designed and structured programme to add value to our communities and industries.
Who is AFBE?

The Association for Black and Minority Ethnic Engineers is a registered not-for-profit organisation that was established in 2007 with the Scottish arm setup in 2011 to promote higher achievement in education and engineering particularly among black and other ethnic minorities. It is in this regard that amongst our many development initiatives targeting STEM attraction and retention we have developed the leadership programme, a uniquely designed and structured programme to add value to our communities and industries.
What do we stand for: